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Documentation Pipelines for Publishing to Github Pages.

This is a cloneable pipeline and toolset for setting up an mkdocs or sphinx based documentation site. Both tools are supported and it's simple changes in the code to switch between the two.

Why do we need this?

Documentation is a deliverable and should be treated as such. This repo aims to be an easy place for anyone to be able to come and pickup a mkdocs or sphinx pipeline and easily integrate it into their projects. The pipeline doesn't need to be run via a CICD pipeline. You can build and publish the docs with the Makefile targets.

Why not just use a wiki or other internal documentation tool?

It has been my experience that most developers do not care for writing documentation, however are the first to complain when documentation does not meet their standards. Using external web based WSIWYG editors with terrible seach functionality, terrible user interfaces and a slew of other problems only make developers loathe the documentation process more. However, if we keep the documentation as close to the code as possible (literally in the same repo) and create an automated process around building and publishing it, developers will be way more likely to work on it. Updating the documentation becomes part of the development process and can be brought into code reviews.

Setup and Usage

Required tools

Every part of this documentation can be built, tested, and deployed from within the Dockerfile included, so the only requirement would be Docker.

CICD Pipeline

In order to facilitate open source workflows I chose to build this part with Travis CI. The .travis.yml file in this repository will build the selected type of documents and upload them to the github pages associated with the repository. You will have to enable the project on Travis for it to start building.


The top level targets are listed below. The CICD pipeline calls the build command to create the documentation then uses the pages deploy provider to upload to GitHub pages.

Make target Usage
make build Build the html files for the documentation.
make run Run a docker web server on port 8000 to view documenation.
make clean Clean up output directory where html files are put.
make publish Publish documentation to ghpages.

To select a documentation pipeline, simply change what the top level targets point to.

Note sphinx publishing with the Makefile isn't supported yet. Just haven't had time to do it. PRs accepted.


build: build-mkdocs

run: run-mkdocs

publish: publish-mkdocs